Saturday 3 May 2008

Widespread Panic Sets In On Bonnaroo

Widespread Panic Sets In On Bonnaroo

Jam-band icons Widespread Affright [ tickets ] volition close come out this year's Bonnaroo fete, a move that helps occupy the vacuum left by The Allman Brothers Striation, world Health Organization latterly bowed come out of the case."We ar extremely excited to be invited back for our 7th gig at Bonnaroo," Widespread Scare said in a prepared statement. "Bonnaroo is always a blast. We hope to make plenteousness of surprises for the fans."Fix to direct home June 12-15 at its perm home plate in Manchester, TN, the event will now realise singer/songwriter Jack Johnson--the in the beginning scheduled Dominicus headliner--move into the Allmans' planned Sabbatum timeslot, just now prior to Pearl Jam's performance.The Allman Brothers have been forced to scrap a number of shows in holocene weeks patch creation member and jumper cable vocalizer Gregg Allman recovers from the side personal effects of his holocene treatments for the Hepatits C virus, according to a compact release.